
2013/03/26 渡邊言也

Visser RM, Scholte HS, Beemsterboer T, Kindt M.
Nat Neurosci. 2013 Feb 24.

ヒトの恐怖学習後の長期記憶(平均22日)の保持レベルの個人差を、学習中の脳活動から予測しようした試みです。そのためにMVPAの一種であるRepresentational similarity analysisを用いて解析しています。結果としては、特にvmPFC, Amygdala, HippocampusのBOLD信号から、長期恐怖記憶の保持の有無を予測できる可能性が示されています。

2013/03/26 鮫島

Prefrontal and striatal activity related to values of objects and locations.
Kim S, Cai X, Hwang J, Lee D.
Front Neurosci. 2012;6:108.

私の方は、ちょっと古いですが昨年出ているDeayeol Leeラボの論文を紹介します。object value の比較codingがDLPFCとstriatumに少ないけどちゃんとある、という論文です。



2013/03/18 木村

The primate amygdala combines information about space and value.
Peck CJ, Lau B, Salzman CD.
Nat Neurosci. 2013 Mar;16(3):340-8.

A stimulus predicting reinforcement can trigger emotional responses, such as arousal, and cognitive ones, such as increased attention toward the stimulus. Neuroscientists have long appreciated that the amygdala mediates spatially nonspecific emotional responses, but it remains unclear whether the amygdala links motivational and spatial representations. To test whether amygdala neurons encode spatial and motivational information, we presented reward-predictive cues in different spatial configurations to monkeys and assessed how these cues influenced spatial attention. Cue configuration and predicted reward magnitude modulated amygdala neural activity in a coordinated fashion. Moreover, fluctuations in activity were correlated with trial-to-trial variability in spatial attention. Thus, the amygdala integrates spatial and motivational information, which may influence the spatial allocation of cognitive resources. These results suggest that amygdala dysfunction may contribute to deficits in cognitive processes normally coordinated with emotional responses, such as the directing of attention toward the location of emotionally relevant stimuli.